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Fort Desoto State Park Fishing Charters

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Fishing in Pompano Beach

Deep Sea, Nearshore Fishing Charter in Pompano Beach

Sunrise Saltwater Slam

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43 ft 1 - 6 People From $750

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Everything to Know About Booking a Fishing Charter in Fort DeSoto State Park

What are the best fishing charters in Fort DeSoto State Park?

Our Damn Good Guides currently offer 1 trip in Fort DeSoto State Park: Sunrise Saltwater Slam guided by Ron.

Our guides in Fort DeSoto State Park are rated a 5 out of 5 based on 2809 verified reviews on Captain Experiences.

All guides on Captain Experiences are licensed, insured, and vetted by our team. You can access their reviews, click through trip photos, read bios to get to know them, and preview trip details like species, techniques, group sizes, boat specs and more.

The most popular cities to book a charter in are St. Petersburg, Clearwater and Tierra Verde.

Looking for kid friendly charters / fishing lessons in Fort DeSoto State Park? Check out our beginner and family friendly charters in Fort DeSoto State Park.

What types of fishing charters are common in Fort DeSoto State Park?

Deep Sea fishing is the most popular in Fort DeSoto State Park as well as nearshore fishing.

The most commonly sought after species in Fort DeSoto State Park are: 1. sailfish, 2. wahoo, 3. mahi mahi, and 4. kingfish.

The most common fishing techniques in Fort DeSoto State Park are topwater fishing, trolling, and light tackle fishing but kite fishing and heavy tackle fishing are popular as well.

How much do Fort DeSoto State Park fishing charters cost?

in Fort DeSoto State Park prices can range anywhere from about $795 to $1,325, but the average price for a half day trip in Fort DeSoto State Park is $825. The average price for a full day trip in Fort DeSoto State Park is $1,275.

What month is best for fishing in Fort DeSoto State Park?

The most popular season for fishing in Fort DeSoto State Park is summer, and most anglers book their trips 20 days in advance.

Do I need a Fort DeSoto State Park fishing license and what are the bag limits in Fort DeSoto State Park?

See here for more information on fishing licenses in Fort DeSoto State Park, bag limits for target species, and fishing season regulations in Fort DeSoto State Park. When in doubt, your fishing guide will always know the right rules and regulations in Fort DeSoto State Park.

What is fishing in Fort DeSoto State Park all about?

Fishing in Fort DeSoto State Park offers anglers a diverse and rewarding experience along the beautiful coastline of Florida's Gulf Coast. Situated near St. Petersburg, this sprawling park encompasses a variety of habitats, including beaches, mangrove-lined channels, and expansive flats, providing ample opportunities for anglers to cast their lines in search of a variety of saltwater species. From the shores of the Gulf of Mexico to the tranquil waters of Tampa Bay, Fort DeSoto State Park offers something for anglers of all preferences and skill levels.

One of the highlights of fishing in Fort DeSoto State Park is the opportunity to target a variety of prized game fish species. Anglers can expect to encounter species such as snook, redfish, trout, and flounder, among others, while fishing from the park's shores or wading in the shallow flats. The park's diverse habitats provide a rich and varied ecosystem for fish to thrive, making it a prime destination for anglers seeking a memorable and productive fishing experience.

In addition to its excellent inshore fishing opportunities, Fort DeSoto State Park also offers access to offshore fishing grounds in the Gulf of Mexico. Anglers can launch their boats from the park's boat ramps and venture out into deeper waters in search of pelagic species such as king mackerel, grouper, and snapper. Whether fishing from shore, wading in the flats, or exploring the Gulf waters by boat, Fort DeSoto State Park provides anglers with a wide range of fishing opportunities amidst stunning coastal scenery and abundant marine life.

What are the most popular months to fish in Fort DeSoto State Park?

Fishing in Fort DeSoto State Park, located along the coast of Florida near St. Petersburg, offers anglers a diverse and rewarding experience across the seasons. Spring brings warmer temperatures and an abundance of baitfish, enticing a variety of predatory species to the park's waters. This season marks the arrival of migratory species such as Spanish mackerel, kingfish, and tarpon, as they move into the area in search of food. Anglers can be found casting lines from the park's fishing piers, beaches, and kayak launch sites, targeting these prized sportfish using live bait, artificial lures, and fly fishing techniques.

Summer in Fort DeSoto State Park offers prime conditions for inshore and nearshore fishing, with calm seas and clear waters making it an ideal time to explore the park's diverse fishing opportunities. Species like snook, redfish, and spotted seatrout are abundant in the park's mangrove-lined shorelines and grass flats, providing anglers with ample opportunities for sight-fishing and shallow-water action. Offshore anglers can target species such as grouper, snapper, and cobia, which inhabit the artificial reefs and wrecks located just offshore from the park. Summer fishing in Fort DeSoto State Park offers something for anglers of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned veterans.

As autumn arrives and temperatures begin to cool, fishing in Fort DeSoto State Park undergoes a transition. This season marks the return of migratory species such as flounder, pompano, and sheepshead, which move into the area in search of warmer waters and abundant food sources. Anglers can also target resident species like mangrove snapper and black drum, which become more active as they prepare for the approaching winter months. Fall is a favorite season for many anglers in Fort DeSoto State Park, offering a mix of productive fishing opportunities and comfortable weather conditions that make for enjoyable days on the water.

What types of fishing are popular in Fort DeSoto State Park?

Fishing in Fort DeSoto State Park offers anglers a variety of techniques to pursue the diverse range of saltwater species that inhabit its waters. One popular method is shore fishing, where anglers can cast their lines from the park's pristine beaches or rocky shoreline. From these vantage points, anglers can target a variety of species such as snook, redfish, trout, and flounder using a variety of bait and tackle. Shore fishing is accessible to anglers of all skill levels and provides a relaxing and scenic way to spend a day on the water.

Kayak fishing is another favored technique in Fort DeSoto State Park, offering anglers the opportunity to explore the park's mangrove-lined channels and shallow flats in search of fish. Kayaks provide anglers with stealth and maneuverability, allowing them to silently navigate the park's waters while casting their lines for species such as redfish, snook, and trout. Kayak fishing is popular among anglers seeking a more immersive and adventurous fishing experience, as it allows them to access remote fishing spots that are inaccessible by land.

In addition to shore and kayak fishing, anglers in Fort DeSoto State Park can also enjoy pier fishing. The park features two fishing piers, the Gulf Pier and the Bay Pier, which extend out into the Gulf of Mexico and Tampa Bay, respectively. These piers provide anglers with elevated platforms from which to fish and offer opportunities to catch a variety of species such as snook, tarpon, mackerel, and sheepshead. Pier fishing is a social and family-friendly activity, allowing anglers to enjoy stunning views of the surrounding waterways while waiting for the next bite.

What species are popular in Fort DeSoto State Park?

Fort DeSoto State Park, nestled along the coast of Florida's Gulf of Mexico, offers anglers a rich diversity of fish species to target throughout the year. One of the most prized catches in the park is the snook, known for its elusive nature and powerful fights. These silver-sided predators inhabit the park's mangrove-lined shorelines and shallow flats, making them a favorite target for anglers casting from the shore or wading in the shallows. Live bait such as pilchards or pinfish, as well as artificial lures like soft plastics and topwater plugs, are effective for enticing snook bites.

Redfish are another prominent species to catch in Fort DeSoto State Park, renowned for their bronze-colored scales and distinctive tail spots. These hard-fighting fish are commonly found in the park's grass flats, oyster bars, and mangrove edges, where they forage for crabs, shrimp, and baitfish. Anglers can target redfish using a variety of techniques, including live bait fishing with shrimp or cut bait, as well as casting artificial lures such as spoons, jigs, and soft plastics. Redfish provide exciting angling opportunities year-round, with peak seasons occurring during the spring and autumn months.

In addition to snook and redfish, Fort DeSoto State Park offers anglers the chance to catch a variety of other species, including spotted seatrout, flounder, and mangrove snapper. Spotted seatrout are abundant in the park's grass flats and sandy bottoms, where they eagerly strike at live bait, soft plastics, and topwater lures. Flounder are often found lying in wait along the sandy bottoms and near structure such as docks and bridges, making them a popular target for bottom fishing enthusiasts. Mangrove snapper, known for their delicious white meat and cunning nature, can be caught using live bait or small jigs near mangrove roots, bridges, and rock piles throughout the park. With its diverse habitats and thriving fishery, Fort DeSoto State Park offers anglers of all skill levels the opportunity to reel in some of Florida's most prized gamefish.

Recent Reviews of Captain Experiences

  • ★★★★★
    Capt. Ron and Chris are awesome! Very punctual and got us out in no time. We had fish on almost immediately, and the good times just kept going from there. Highly reccomend!

    Jakob C. with Ron C. of Pompano Beach, Florida

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