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Kite fishing is a great way to get access to fish that might otherwise be out of reach. By using a kite to suspend your bait or lure at a certain height, you can target fish that are swimming near the surface or in mid-water columns. Kite fishing is also a great way to fish in windy conditions, as the kite will keep your line from dragging in the water.
To get started kite fishing, you'll need a few pieces of equipment. First, you'll need a kite. There are a variety of kites on the market specifically designed for kite fishing, so do some research to find one that will work well in the conditions you'll be fishing in. You'll also need a kite fishing reel, which is different from a traditional fishing reel in that it allows the kite to take up line without resistance. Finally, you'll need some sort of weight to keep your kite and line in place - this can be anything from a sandbag to a lead line. You can use any kind of kite, but we recommend a stunt kite or something similar. As for the line and reel, you'll want to use something that's strong enough to handle the fish you're targeting. We recommend using at least 50-pound test line and a good quality reel.
The first step to setting up your rig is to attach your kite to your fishing line. There are a variety of ways to do this, but the most common method is to tie the kite to the fishing line using a clove hitch knot. Once your kite is attached to the fishing line, you'll need to attach your bait or lure. This can be done by tying the bait or lure directly to the kite line, or by attaching it to a leader.
Now that you have your kite fishing rig set up, it's time to start kite fishing! There are a few different techniques you can use, but one of the most effective is to let out line until the kite is at the desired height, then reel in line until the kite and bait are directly over the spot where you think the fish are. Another effective technique is to "troll" your kite - that is, keep it moving through the water while paying out line. This can be done by hand or with a kite fishing reel. The kite will pull your line out into the water, and as it does, it will drag your bait or lure along with it. This is a great way to cover a lot of ground and to attract fish from a distance. Whichever method you choose, be sure to pay attention to your line, as you'll need to reel in when you get a bite.
There are a variety of fish you can target with kite fishing, but some of the most popular include sailfish, mahi mahi, marlin, tuna, and wahoo. If you're interested in kite fishing, check out some of our awesome guides who specialize in the technique!
Milo Kashey
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