What’s the biggest fish you’ve caught?
Broun trout:
PB- 27 inches
Client - 36 inches 42lb
PB - 23 inches
Client - 21 inches
If you were cooking for all your friends what would you cook?
As a retired chef the possibilites are endless. I would say maybe a pasta bagalorie, or torranado of beef oscar. Perhaps monte cristos with a brocoli and cheese soup for a light lunch. I always take request!
What’s your favorite band?
Ben Miller Band, Steeldrivers, Handmade Moments, ac/dc, Sanatra, the list is endless
What’s your favorite movie?
Point Break, Cliffhanger, Vertical Limit, Harry Potter to name a few.
What’s your favorite sports team?
Washington Redskins ( I know)
Bulls, And Arkansas
What’s your drink of choice?
Cab wine, good burbon and great scotch.