Captain Ikena is a skilled fishing guide based in the idyllic coastal town of Lihue, Hawaii. With a deep connection to the stunning waters of the Hawaiian Islands, he specializes in providing anglers with extraordinary fishing experiences amidst the Pacific's bounty. Whether you're chasing prized gamefish like marlin and tuna offshore, or exploring the inshore waters for treasured species like mahi-mahi and bonefish, Captain Ikena's local expertise and genuine love for the sport ensure every fishing trip is a remarkable adventure in the paradise of Hawaii.
About Your Guide
Ikena Hill
Independent Guide
Captain Ikena is a skilled fishing guide based in the idyllic coastal town of Lihue, Hawaii. With a deep connection to the stunning waters of the Hawaiian Islands, he specializes in providing anglers with extraordinary fishing experiences amidst the Pacific's bounty. Whether you're chasing prized gamefish like marlin and tuna offshore, or exploring the inshore waters for treasured species like mahi-mahi and bonefish, Captain Ikena's local expertise and genuine love for the sport ensure every fishing trip is a remarkable adventure in the paradise of Hawaii.