Captain Joe, known as "Slobby Joe", has been fishing these waters for as long as he can remember. Despite his name, Captain Joe is anything but a slob, jumping to every challenge with an energy that can only ever come from true passion for the sport. He is a man determined to make a name for himself, and to build his reputation as one of the most dedicated and welcoming captains operating in this fishing paradise. So climb aboard and see for yourself why his clients keep coming back for more!
About Your Guide
Joe Burruezo
Independent Guide
Captain Joe, known as "Slobby Joe", has been fishing these waters for as long as he can remember. Despite his name, Captain Joe is anything but a slob, jumping to every challenge with an energy that can only ever come from true passion for the sport. He is a man determined to make a name for himself, and to build his reputation as one of the most dedicated and welcoming captains operating in this fishing paradise. So climb aboard and see for yourself why his clients keep coming back for more!