What’s the biggest fish you’ve caught?
67 pounds
If you were cooking for all your friends what would you cook?
What’s your favorite band?
Anything old country
What’s your favorite movie?
What’s your favorite sports team?
Texas Rangers
What’s your drink of choice?
Coffee and water
What was your last halloween costume?
Been a while
What do you want for Christmas this year?
Fishing or hunting gear
How did you get started guiding?
Another guide talked me into it.
What makes you different from other guides?
Honestly, my outward walk with Jesus. Not that other guides are not Christians and I’m not slamming anyone, this is what I’ve been told about myself from clients, friends and other guides. That’s why I named my guide service,” Creator’s Guide Service” he’s my creator and I’m guided for His service. I don’t push my Jesus on anyone, I just live openly what I believe in my heart. He truly is my Lord and Savior and a difference maker in my life.