What’s the biggest fish you’ve caught?
Sharks are always the biggest. I have brought back several 400-500lb Bullsharks. Most of the larger sharks we can't keep, and they range from 10-14ft.
If you were cooking for all your friends what would you cook?
Seafood boil! Preferably Crawfish or Crab
What’s your favorite band?
I listen to all types of music. Depends on the day
What’s your favorite movie?
Talladega Knights
What’s your favorite sports team?
I don't watch TV
What’s your drink of choice?
Water or cold beer
What was your last halloween costume?
Full camouflage, tucked in a tree trying to feed a buck deer some "candy"
What do you want for Christmas this year?
My family to stay healthy
How did you get started guiding?
Long time father figure owned a charter boat
What makes you different from other guides?
I'm among the group of guides who want to catch them more than you do. I don't just fish, I live and breathe the waters.