What’s the biggest fish you’ve caught?
On an offshore trip with a friend, we managed to hook into a massive blue marlin. The captain estimated it being over 1000 pounds. We fought the beast for 7.5 hours, then it suddenly died. It sank in 2000 feet of water. We tried everything to get the fish up, but the line finally parted. It was a tough loss, and an even tougher way to end the battle. It would've been great to have been able to release the big blue alive.
If you were cooking for all your friends what would you cook?
Probably lasagna. I make a killer lasagna. I cook it every year for the family at Christmas. I have a few other specialties, but the lasagna is always a favorite.
Whats your favorite band?
Killing Joke. I was really into punk rock in the early 80's, and just never lost my love for the music. Maybe not the attitude either... there really are so many bands that I love, but I'd have to say KJ is my fav.
Whats your favorite movie?
Wow, this is a tough one. I've watched Jaws, Blazing Saddles, Apocalypse Now, Young Frankenstein, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (and the rest of the trilogy movies), and a few others so many times. I love them all!
Whats your favorite sports team?
Vikings for football. Devils for hockey. Don't much care for baseball or basketball. Love to play them though.
Whats your drink of choice?
Iced tea that I brew.
What was your last halloween costume?
I'm ugly enough, who needs a mask?!
What do you want for Christmas this year?
I got it. A new French bulldog puppy.
How did you get started guiding?
Fishing has always been in my blood. I was always taking friends and family members out and showing them the ropes. So it was a pretty simple transition to guiding. And as a teacher, I truly enjoy showing others how to fish in a variety of ways.
What makes you different from other guides?
Not really sure. I work my butt off to put you on fish. I try every trick in my arsenal to get the most bites for you possible. I keep my boat immaculate, along with my gear. I'm pretty sure most guides do these things though. My goal each trip is to provide you with the best experience possible. Nobody should ever leave my boat, or walk off the beach, in a bad mood for any reason. Also, if the fishing sucks, or has been off lately, I'm going to let you know. I always base my trips on your desires. It's your adventure, I'm here to make it happen and meet your expectations, regardless of whether you are a beginner, or highly experienced angler.