About Your Guide

Profile photo of Captain Experiences guide Matthew Pearson

Matthew Pearson

Independent Guide 19 years of exp.
Captain Matthew has a love of fishing that started at a young age and has continued to grow over the years. After years of learning the craft of fishing and working his way up the ranks, he was able to reach a lifelong goal of purchasing his own charter company. Captain Matthew is local and knows the gulf waters extremely well. A father of three, he loves having his wife and kids on board when he can.

His love of fishing started as a young boy fishing the banks of Choctawhatchee Bay. At the age of 11, he talked my parents into buying him his first boat, a 14' John Boat. It didn’t have a trailer or motor, but that was okay; he had his boat. He and his friends built a trailer out of pine trees they had cut down and used old bike tires for wheels. It was about a mile to the boat ramp, so it wasn’t always easy getting there. Captain Matthew estimates they musty have paddled over 100 miles around Choctawhatchee Bay that summer. He...

About Your Guide

Profile photo of Captain Experiences guide Matthew Pearson

Matthew Pearson

Independent Guide 19 years of exp.
Captain Matthew has a love of fishing that started at a young age and has continued to grow over the years. After years of learning the craft of fishing and working his way up the ranks, he was able to reach a lifelong goal of purchasing his own charter company. Captain Matthew is local and knows the gulf waters extremely well. A father of three, he loves having his wife and kids on board when he can.

His love of fishing started as a young boy fishing the banks of Choctawhatchee Bay. At the age of 11, he talked my parents into buying him his first boat, a 14' John Boat. It didn’t have a trailer or motor, but that was okay; he had his boat. He and his friends built a trailer out of pine trees they had cut down and used old bike tires for wheels. It was about a mile to the boat ramp, so it wasn’t always easy getting there. Captain Matthew estimates they musty have paddled over 100 miles around Choctawhatchee Bay that summer. He
knew then that he wanted to fish every day he was able!

Three years later, at the age of 14, he landed his first job as a Second Mate on a charter boat on the Destin Harbor. Over the next 6 years he worked his way up to First Mate and had earned his 100 Ton Masters Captain’s License. The summer he turned 20 something magical happened, he caught his first blue marlin! It was the most magnificent fish he had ever seen. At that very moment he wanted to spend every day he was on the water chasing these beautiful fish.

He was able to get a job on a private yacht and spent the next five years traveling the world fishing for blue marlin. He was lucky enough to fish places such as Costa Rica, Mexico, The Bahamas, St. Thomas, and Bermuda to name a few. During this time he met his wife and they had their first son. The traveling and chasing blue marlins took a distant second to spending time with his new family, so back to Destin he came!

Once he was back home, he began taking the skills he had learned on his journeys to these blue marlin hot spots and putting them to good use. He was able to accumulate over 1.5 million dollars in tournament winnings in the Gulf of Mexico. His biggest win was in 2009, breaking the Emerald Coast Blue Marlin Classic record with a 716 pound Blue Marlin. He continues to compete to this day, using his skills and enjoying every minute of the chase for the big fish!

Fast forwarding to 2019, he continues to live the fisherman’s dream. He now has three beautiful children, two boys and one girl. He has the boat of his dreams and the pleasure of spreading his love and passion of fishing, with not only his children but children and adults from all across the world. He smiles every time he remembers that summer as a young boy when he and his friends were pulling his boat over a mile, on a homemade trailer with their bikes to the water. He never could have imagined what he could accomplish from his love and passion for fishing. To this day he is still that young boy every time he is on the water!
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  • Get it while it's HOT!
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  • You might get lucky (as long as things are in-season).
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Destin Deep Dive: 8-10 Hour
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